- This Collection contains 50 Types of Specimens, The Rocks Specimens include.
- Some of the following Agate, Alabaster, Amethyst, Apatite, Asbestos, Aventurine, Azurite, Barytes, Bauxite Hard, Beryl Aqumarine, Biotite, Boron, Calcite Milky, Calcite ,Transparent, Chalcopyrite, China Clay, Chromite, Dolomite.
- Feldspar Red, Ocher Yellow Clay, Orthoclase, Plastic Clay, Psillomelane, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Pyrophilite, Quartz Black.
- Quartz Crystal, Quartz Glassy, Quartz Milky, Quartz Rose, Selenite, Silica Sand, Soap Stone, Sphalerite, Steatite, Stibnite, Sulphur, Talc, Marble White.
- Marble Yellow, Obesidian Black, Pegmatite, Phylite, Quartizite Gray, Quartizite Pink, Quartizite White, Quartizite Yellow, Rhyolite, Rock.
- Salt, Sand Stone Red, Sand Stone Silicious, Serpentine, Shale, Slate etc.