100 Rocks & Minerals Collection Kit in Wooden Box

100 Rocks & Minerals Collection Kit in Wooden Box

2,800.00 (Free Shipping to all PIN Codes)


100 Rocks & Minerals Collection Kit in Wooden Box

  • This Collection contains 100 Types of Specimens.
  • Each specimen labelled with name.
  • Packed in a Polished wooden case
  • Set of 100 rocks specimen in a wooden case.
  • This Collection contains 100 Types of Specimens, (64 Minerals Specimens & 36 Rocks Specimens of Igneous, Sedimentary& Metamorphic Rocks Types). The Minerals Specimens include Some of the following Agate, Alabaster, Amazonite, Amethyst, Asbestos, Aventurine, Barytes, Bauxite, BentoniteBeryl, Biotite, Boron, Calcite Milky, Calcite Yellow , Chalcopyrite, China Clay, Camel Jasper, Emery, Feldspar Red, Fire Clay, Flourite, Fullers Earth, Galena, Garnet, Graphite, Gypsum, Labradorite, Hematite, Hornblende, Jasper Green, Jasper Red, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Lignite, Limonite, Magnesite, Magnetite, Mehndi Quartz, Mica Green, Mica Red, Microline, Muscovite, Ocher Red, Ocher Yellow, Plagioclase, Plastic Clay, Psillomelane, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Pyrophillite, Quartz Black, Quartz Glassy, Quartz Milky, Quartz Rose, Selenite, Silica Sand, Soap Stone, Sphalerite, Steatite, Stibnite, Sulphur, Talc, Tourmaline etc. The Rock Specimens include Some of the following Andesite, Anthracite, Basalt, Bituminous, Chalk Lumps, Chert, Conglomerate, Diatomite, Diorite, Flint, Gabbro, Gneiss, Granite Black, Granite Porphyry, Granite Red, Lime Stone Black, Lime Stone White, Marble Black, Marble Chocolate, Marble Pink, Marble White, Marble Yellow, Obsidian, Pegmatite, Phyllite, Pumice, Quartzite Gray, Quartzite Pink, Quartzite White, Rock Phosphate, Rock Salt, Sand Stone Red, Sand Stone Silicious, Serpentine, Shale, Slate etc. These Rocks & Minerals Collections used for Practical Knowledge of Rocks Specimens & Minerals Specimens. A great collection to begin your study of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. Fifteen representative specimens of the rock types most often included in geology textbooks.
  • Size of  specimen – Large



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